Tuesday 11 December 2018

memory and me.

I've just come back from shopping. its 10:30pm. I forgot the store had no chicken tendies. I learned that today at 4pm when I was shopping earlier. I forgot this and didn't remember until I saw the empty rack.

My memory works in a strange way.

I am great at remembering things. How can I say that?

Cause at 6pm today I filled out my January calendar. I have a dentist appointment at 9am on the 21st. Just for cleaning.

But I remembered that. for 3 months.


Because I'd not written it down yet.

I'd not taken action on it.

At the store at 4 I decided to buy something else. I took action on the information of there being no chicken tendies. As a result, that memory, was simply deleted.

Its not quite that simple. I might be autistic, but I'm still human. However, this is how my memory tends to work.


Why am I writing this?

In CMHoC, and in other online communities where I may be running things, I sometimes write down a set of rules.

What is important to note is I don't remember them.

Why? Cause I've written them down.

If I need to reference them, they are there. Otherwise I have no clue what they say even if I just wrote them a few hours ago.

That memory is no longer needed because the data is stored elsewhere.

As such, please, if you are coming to me with clarification on a rule that I've written, tell me what the rule actually says. Chances are I have no idea what the answer is until I read the rule.

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