Saturday 8 December 2018

"Fuck Off"

I don't use this phrase lightly. When I use it, it means I'm starting to get mad with you. Here are some reasons why this might be.

go away

Generally when I use it, it means I want you to go away. It also means if you do not go away, I will begin to get very angry. 

I have autism and some may not understand when I'm showing signs that I'm about to become very angry.

I've decided to make this post to help explain things.

If I tell you to fuck off. Especially if I tell you fuck off more than once about the same thing; continuing to talk to me in that moment about that thing will only result in me blocking you, cutting off communication with you, yelling at you, leaving any communities we share, or punching you square in the face. 

What is the best way to deal with this?

Win the argument

Sometimes I may be done arguing. This is generally rare. I'm almost always willing to pick things up later. If I'm done for good; congratulations, you've won the argument, and are right. I am wrong. Please collect your prize. 

Wait until I'm finished what I'm doing

Frequently this is the key. Especially so if I say "I'm doing X, fuck off". When that happens if means I will continue the argument once X has been completed. Continuing to badger me on the topic will not encourage me to finish the argument quicker, and will instead encourage me to stop talking to you forever, or assault you. 

Wait until another day

Frequently I say fuck off to someone when I am tired, or about to go to bed, eat, or otherwise do a thing. When this happens the simplest and easiest solution is to wait for tomorrow and I will address the topic at that point in time. 

What not to do

There are a few key things to avoid doing in order to avoid the aforementioned consequences. I will outline them.

Insist that if I do not engage, I've lost the argument

If I'm done with this topic for good, I already accept that, and continuing to try to engage me is a waste of your time.

Insist I must stop what I'm doing and respond now

As outlined above, this will only make me stop talking to you.

Insist I can not respond on another day

If I'm sending you this its likely because of an online, not an offline argument. I'm not going to change my sleeping schedule because someone is being wrong on the internet. Internet arguments are not so valuable to me that I'm going to reschedule my life to complete one with you. 

It is my hope that though this message that I can overcome some of the communication difficulties that I experience when trying to express my frustration before it explodes into outright anger. With time, I hope to reach the point where this link is not needed.

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