Thursday 15 February 2018

3 posts I've made in the past about the US and its "gun" problem

The US has a violence problem.

The US has more non-gun deaths than these countries have gun + non gun deaths.

The US has a violence problem. People think it's okay, or cool, to be violent towards one another for various reasons, many cultural. Getting rid of every gun in the country still means the US has a crazy high rate of murder and violence.

If you want to solve the problem of gun violence, you need to solve the problem of violence. Convince americans that violence is not okay, and you'll see the number of gun deaths drop along with the number of non-gun deaths.

Part 1:

Here are two videos I just watched by Stephen Colbert

You don't need to watch them. In the second video there is a part where a famous basketball player says that if someone steps over you, you have an obligation to assault them. Watch if you want the full context, but it matters little.

I remind you of this graphic

If you take away guns from every American, you'll likely cut the total number of homicides in half. And the remaining half will still be far far more than Canada, the next country on the list.

The poorly thought out comment in the second video is a perfect example of this culture. So that it's very clear what I'm saying, I will scream it.

It is not okay to commit violence on another person. If you think it is okay, you are the problem, and removing you will do more for reducing gun violence than removing a gun will.

The US has a violence problem.

When you compare the USA to these other countries, it becomes obvious.

The US has a violence problem.
If you take away their guns, you'll do two thing. First you'll reduce the rate of violence a bit, secondly, you'll increase the amount of knife and car violence.

If you take away their knives and cars you'll increase the rate of hammer violence
And then of axe violence
And then of frying pan violence

If you strip everyone in the world naked, and took away all their things, the amount of fist and foot violence in the US would be off the scale compared to fist and foot violence around the world.

The US has a violence problem.

1 comment:

  1. What this misses is that guns are far more effective at murder than other weapons. Without guns, more people may be stabbed, but you are more likely to survive a stabbing than a gun shot. This is also true with suicides. Far more people attempt suicide by drug overdose than by gun, but far more people actually die from self-inflicted gunshots than intentional drug overdoses.


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