Sunday 8 March 2020

"Doing it right" - Streaming video games

This might sound odd or weird, but, this is one of the more emotional posts I've ever written.

Let me take you back to the 90s. Lets say 1996 or so. I lived in Summerside PEI, and I was growing up.

Every friday we'd go to the rental store, and I'd rent a game to play. I'd play them all weekend and return them on Sunday.

Some of these games were RPGs. I quite enjoyed them. I loved the story, the music, and the exploration. I loved experiencing a new world.

Of course, being rented, I never had the time to ever complete one of these games. Even if I could, in sum, have played all the various parts of the game, none of those runs were 100% mine.

Now let me take you back to about 2008 or so.

I learned about emulators. I also had a very boring job working overnight. As a result, I ended up re-playing all those old games and beating them. It really felt like I was re-living my old life, but, doing it right this time. Going back over how I grew up and correcting mistakes I'd make. It was very cathartic.


I had a walkthrough open for each. I made heavy use of safe states. I basically cheated my way to victory through shortcuts.

I have played those old games since. here and there. Never for more than a few hours.

It's now been so long that as much time has elapsed between my re-playing of those games and my original playing of them in the 90s.

It's time to do it again. This time, truly doing it right.

I've actually been planning this for a while and have been waiting for my new computer to be up and running, with my new internet connection, to stream it all on twitch.

The problem is, that will take time, a lot of time. And I'm ready now.

As such I'm announcing that I'm going to start doing this. At least part time. In my discord.

The last time I did this it was extremely emotional and I don't count it as a small coincidence that I stopped suffering from major depression at exactly that time.

Lets see if we can't make this time just as helpful to my mental state.

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